domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

The lawyer Salvador Trinxet, how to be satisfied in law practice

 The lawyer Salvador Trinxet, how to be satisfied in law practice

The Happy Lawyer form Larry Schreiter
Editorial: Shiloh Publications ISBN: 0-9670165-0-9

Selected Text:

That is, you are going to go from the specifics of that ideal client and their particular problem you so enjoyed working on to the generalized.

You went on to spell out how your work benefited them, as well as how working with them on these projects used your highest skills and brought you the most rewards.

Now, the next step is to visualize a future practice that is devoted to greater emphasis on such engagements, for such clients on such projects. This greater focus in the areas you already know to be satisfying will enhance your sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in your law practice.

If you are going to achive those financial goals in your practice and not rob from your free time, then it is necessary that your pracice hours be devoted only to those clients and matters that have the potential to bring you the needed revenues.

But the notion that a “real” lawyer must always be doing more, billing more, getting more things done, and feeling guilty when not working, is a lie. It is a trap” As long as you believe that free time, or time off is whay you earn by getting that one more phone calll in, that one more billable hour that one more completed file, then you never get there.

Once you decide on serving that population of Yes Client prospects, you will tailor the message of your practice to attract those clients into your office. Such Intense concentration or specialization offers you an opportunity to earn higher fees, but to accomplish all this, you must become an expert. You may already be more of an expert than you realice. Practice helps us develop applied knowledge. And applied knowledge is needed each time we undertake a matter.

More information:
Salvador Trinxet Llorca: Social media has become a primary channel by ... is the value in measuring audience and action-based information. ...

Kindle ... Provides quick access to the european tax information you need, and, European Union Direct Taxes eBook: Salvador Trinxet Llorca ...

The Bar Council

The Bar Council represents barristers in England and Wales. ... The General Council of the Bar is the Approved Regulator of the Bar of England and Wales.

You are free to use all information and book cover images from this website. ...Salvador Trinxet Lorca is the author of a dozen books about tax law and business, ... 

EntrevistaFabián Plaza y Salvador Trinxet, autores de "Diplomacia tomando uncafé" ?Cómo surge la idea de escribir este libro? ?Qué es ...

 The lawyer Salvador Trinxet, how to be satisfied in law practice

viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

España, Jubilación de abogados y profesionales

 España,  La Jubilación de abogados y profesionales

Para muchos, un abogado con 65 años está en plena madurez intelectual y profesional: no tiene sentido que no pueda seguir dando asesoramiento legal. Sin embargo, para mantener la actividad privada habrán de retrasar su jubilación, pese a que con edades avanzadas difícilmente podrán mantener el nivel de actividad  (y de ingresos)de cuando eran más jóvenesEl problema, según reconocen los profesionales, es que gran parte de quienes trabajan en régimen de autónomos cotizan por la base mínima, lo que sólo les garantiza el acceso a la pensión mínima de jubilación, situada ahora en 601 E al mes en España. Estos profesionales, sin embargo, confiaban en seguir en ejercicio más allá de su retiro legal, reteniendo al menos una parte de su actividad profesional. 

Los Profesionales liberalesabogados españoles están anticipando su jubilación estas semanas para poder compatibilizar el cobro de la pensión de jubilación de la Seguridad Social española con el ejercicio de la actividad profesional libre. Esta opción, muy frecuente en estos colectivos de profesionales, se eliminará para quienes se jubilen a partir del próximo 1 de julio, cuando entre en vigor una orden del Ministerio de Trabajo de España que cambia de forma radical las perspectivas económicas de cerca de 500.000 profesionales: abogados, médicos, arquitectos, aparejadores, ingenieros civiles e industriales, gestores administrativos, químicos y péritos ingenieros técnicos, colectivos que tienen sus propias mutualidades de previsión social, que son alternativa al Régimen de Autónomos de la Seguridad Social (RETA).

Para algunos, esto significa "Cambir las reglas de juego a mitad del partido y dan un vuelco radical a las expectativas económicas de miles de profesionales que optaron por cotizar a la Seguridad Social, en lugar de hacerlo a su mutualidad, contando que podrían completar su pensión manteniendo algo de ejercicio libre cuando llegasen a la jubilación". La Mutualidad de la Abogacía y el Consejo General de la Abogacía, entre otras entidades profesionales, ya han anunciado que recurrirán la nueva norma.

Dicha reforma legal afecta también a quienes cotizan como trabajadores por cuenta ajena (situación muy frecuente entre los profesores universitarios) y ejercen a la vez como profesionales liberales y, a su jubilación, como consultores, conferenciantes o asesores para la elaboración de dictámenes.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011


The transformation of the international economy is well under way.- In 2010, China overtook Japan to become the second largest economy in the world, five years earlier than initially predicted. With GDP of around $6.0 trillion, China is now about the same size as the other three BRIC countries combined. Collectively, the BRICs are roughly $11 trillion, which is about 83% of the size of the United States. In 2010, the BRICs grew by around 8.7% on average. In 2009, amid the world’s worst period of economic performance for decades, the BRIC countries collectively grew by around 6%.

The size of Brazil’s economy almost rivals that of Italy. What is more, both Russia and India are not far behind. Within the N-11, Turkey and Indonesia are growing at rates that are leading some to argue that they should be part of the BRICs.

By 2020, the four will be responsible for almost 55% of the increase in global GDP. In addition to the BRICs, the top ten contributors to global GDP growth this decade and beyond could include Mexico, Korea, Turkey and, maybe, Indonesia. These latter four economies, while certainly not as powerful as the BRICs, are increasingly important for the world economy.

Growth in the BRICs’ domestic demand is even more impressive—in 2010 it was close to 10% on average. In China, the consumer is gaining more importance as a driver of growth. The current USD value of the BRIC consumer is over $5 trillion, possibly closer to $6 trillion.  
The United States consumer is worth around $10.6 trillion, more than double the level of the BRIC counterpart. However, given the current pace of ascent, it is possible that the BRIC consumer could become almost as large as the United States consumer by the end of this decade, adding around $810 billion on average per year to the international economy over the next 10-20 years. BRICs consumption could quadruple in real terms by 2030. 

At some stage this decade, the four BRIC economies could collectively become as big as the United States, and China alone could grow to around two-thirds the size of the United States economy.